VIDEO TUTORIALS. I think this video tutorial is an excellent and comprehensive way to learn base! For those of us who already know how to use MS Access or the like, it may seem a little slow, but it does a great job of thoroughly covering all of the minor details that are so necessary to know if you really want to use Base. LibreOffice Writer is a free & open document editor developed by The Document Foundation. Join me as I walk through some of its basic functions! Download Lib.
Tutorial Ppt
Libreoffice 5 Base Tutorial Pdf
Libreoffice Base Tutorial Pdf Tutorial
This is a double-entry accounting system for registering Purchase Ledger transactions (invoices and bank payments). It may be suitable for small-businesses and / or for personal / family use. Features of the template include macro buttons for opening different forms and SQL queries for document / account balance calculations and list filtering. Open PLA can run on the Raspberry Pi! Screenshots:
Open PLA demo (Youtube)
Screenshot (example of Open PLA report):
This is a database for recording information about donors / supporters, and donations received. It may be suitable for small charities. Open CDA was made on a R.Pi! Screenshots: (Main form) (Letter created automatically by report)
Open CDA (Charitable Donor Accounts)
Download the XFDB database template. This is a database template that can be used to store family contact details, and event details relating to contacts. It could also be used by a small business as an address-book. The database allows for showing relationships between different contacts.
To use the database templates, you will need to install LibreOffice. LibreOffice is available for Linux, Windows and Mac.