Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates

Like the extension of Access Database is.accdb while that of Access Database Runtime is.accdr. On the other hand the extension of Access Database Templates is.accdt whereas that of Access Database used for Add-ins is.accda. Structure of MS Access Database. A MS Access database that has been designed using Microsoft Templates is an efficient one. The structure of this database is such that it allows you to access the latest information which is not only up to date but also accurate. The.ACCDB file format was created by Microsoft for their 'Access 2007' application - a relational database management system. Access is part of the 2007 office suite and the arrival of the.ACCDB format is seen as the beginning of the end for the popular.MDB format. However, the.MDB format is supported by Access 2007 onwards. Microsoft provides quite a few prebuilt database templates to assist you in jumpstarting your database development process. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the process of creating an Access 2007 database using these templates. This tutorial was designed using Microsoft Access 2007 but the steps will be similar for those using earlier versions of Access.

Hi phwms,

I was able to reproduce the same problem on my end.The way the “Add from Outlook” button works is it relies upon certain field mappings (between Access and Outlook) and when you split the database, these mappings are thrown off.In order to fix the issue, you will want to review the info in the Office Blog link listed below.

This blog contains code that allows you to remap the fields in your Customer’s table.Basically, after you paste this code into a module in your frontend database, you will need to make the edits to the MakeContacts() function.You then will go to the immediate window and run the MakeContacts function by typing in MakeContacts and pressing enter.If you didn’t edit the Customer’s table in the Customer Service template, the VBA code should look similar to the following:

Option Compare Database

' CI is for ContactInfo

Enum CI











Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates







End Enum

' Each field map item maps between a field

' name in the Access table and a property

' name Access maps to Outlook and SharePoint

' contact field info.

Type FieldMap

prop As String

Field As String

End Type

' This Varible lists all the proeprties that

' can be mapped to Contact info. You fill

' it with the corresponding field names from

' your table. Hunter x hunter episode 1 english dub.

Dim Map(CI.Comments) As FieldMap

Public Sub MakeContacts()

Dim strTable As String

Dim fm As FieldMap


Dim td As dao.TableDef

Dim db As dao.Database

Dim I As Integer

' -----------------------------------------------


' to match the table and field names in

' your app. It is okay not to set some if you

' don't have an equivalent.

' Set this to your table name

strTable = 'Customers'

' Set these to your field names

Map(CI.First).Field = 'Last Name'

Map(CI.Last).Field = 'First Name'

Map(CI.Email).Field = 'E-mail Address'

Map(CI.Company).Field = 'Company'

Map(CI.JobTitle).Field = 'Job Title'

Map(CI.WorkPhone).Field = 'Business Phone'

Map(CI.HomePhone).Field = 'Home Phone'

Map(CI.CellPhone).Field = 'Mobile Phone'

Map(CI.WorkFax).Field = 'Fax Number'

Map(CI.WorkAddress).Field = 'Address'

Map(CI.WorkCity).Field = 'City'

Map(CI.WorkState).Field = 'State/Province'

Map(CI.WorkZip).Field = 'Zip/Postal Code'

Map(CI.WorkCountry).Field = 'Country/Region'

Map(CI.WebPage).Field = 'Web Page'

Map(CI.Comments).Field = 'Notes'


' -----------------------------------------------

' This the code to mark fields in

' your local table with the correct

Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates

' Outlook and SharePoint field names.


Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates Mac

' You shouldn't need to change this.

Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates


Set db = CurrentDb

Set td = db.TableDefs(strTable)

' Set the table level property that tells Access

' this is a Contact table.

SetProp td, 'WSSTemplateID', dbInteger, 105

' For each mapped field, set the correct

' contacts property.

For I = 0 To CI.Comments

fm = Map(I)

If Len(fm.Field) > 0 Then

SetProp td.Fields(fm.Field), 'WSSFieldID', dbText, fm.prop

End If


End Sub

' This code initializes the contact property

' names that Access uses to map contact info

' to SharePoint or Outlook.


' You shouldn't need to change this.

Sub SetupContactProps()

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Map(CI.First).prop = 'FirstName'

Map(CI.Last).prop = 'Title'

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Map(CI.Email).prop = 'Email'

Map(CI.Company).prop = 'Company'

Map(CI.JobTitle).prop = 'JobTitle'

Map(CI.WorkPhone).prop = 'WorkPhone'

Map(CI.HomePhone).prop = 'HomePhone'

Map(CI.CellPhone).prop = 'CellPhone'

Map(CI.WorkFax).prop = 'WorkFax'

Map(CI.WorkAddress).prop = 'WorkAddress'

Map(CI.WorkCity).prop = 'WorkCity'

Map(CI.WorkState).prop = 'WorkState'

Map(CI.WorkZip).prop = 'WorkZip'

Map(CI.WorkCountry).prop = 'WorkCountry'

Map(CI.WebPage).prop = 'WebPage'

Map(CI.Comments).prop = 'Comments'

End Sub

' This is a helper routine which sets a property

' value first checking to see whether one already

' exists.

Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates Download

Sub SetProp(o As Object, strProp As String, dbType As DataTypeEnum, oValue As Variant)

Dim p As dao.Property

On Error GoTo NotFound

Set p = o.Properties(strProp)

GoTo Found


Microsoft Access 2007 Database Engine

Set p = CurrentDb.CreateProperty(strProp, dbType, oValue)

o.Properties.Append p


If p.Type = dbType Then

p.Value = oValue


o.Properties.Delete (strProp)

Microsoft Access 2007 Database Templates Free

Set p = CurrentDb.CreateProperty(strProp, dbType, oValue)

Microsoft Access 2007 Student Database Template

End If

End Sub

Free Access 2007 Database Templates

Hope that helps.

Free Microsoft Access Database Templates

Best Regards,

Nathan Ost

Microsoft Online Community Support